ABQLA is pleased to invite you to participate in the 2018/2019 Mentorship Program

This program connects library and information studies students with information professionals that have similar professional interests.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out this online form by October 3, 2018.

A kickoff 5 à 7 event will take place later in the fall (TBA). You will be notified of your mentee by email, in case you can’t attend the event. Contact Cate at cathyhenderson @ gmail.com for more information.

What is the time commitment?

There is no specific time commitment from participants. The program will begin with a 5 à 7 to introduce participants to each other; the level of communication and specific activities will be determined by the pair. Activities can include job shadowing, regular e-mail correspondence, job-seeking advice and introductions to other professionals.

What are the benefits for me, as an Information Professional?

This is an opportunity to contribute to the professional development of future colleagues. The program is a great way to share knowledge you have gained over the years, find out what students are learning, reflect on your own career, and participate in the LIS community.

Thank you!

Cate Henderson, ABQLA Director

Marie-Andrée Sylvestre-Roux, ABQLA Public Libraries Section President