Enrichment opportunity for the candidate:
- Demonstrated uniqueness of opportunity offered by award
- Demonstrated relevance of the professional development opportunity to the candidate and to their library community
- Clear explanation of how the money will be spent.
Additional Criteria:
Candidate’s contributions to ABQLA or the broader library and information sector, e.g:
- Demonstrated contributions to or involvement in the library and information sector (e.g. volunteering, work experience, professional development activities).
- Demonstrated contributions to the activities of ABQLA or of another library association
- Demonstrated participation in the activities of the ABQLA or of another library association
- Demonstrated potential for contributions to ABQLA
- Professional publications and/or conference presentations.
- Previous awards, honours and/or commendations
- Quality of application package, eg:
- Completeness of answers to all questions
- Quality of writing in proposal form
- Relevance of recommendation
- Presentation of CV.