Review: Lolo’s Light

Book cover art for Lolo's Light.

Review: Lolo’s Light

Book cover art for Lolo's Light.Lolo’s Light

by Liz Garton Scanlon

Chronicle Books, 2022

ISBN: 9781797212944 (hardcover)
$25.99 CAD (hardcover)
232 pages

Ages: 10 years and up


Review by K. Joan Harrison

This middle grade novel is an honest portrayal of one child’s journey through grief. Millie, the main character, is 12 years old and excited to be given the responsibility of babysitting for their neighbour. When the baby dies suddenly overnight through nobody’s fault, the path that Millie takes in dealing with the situation and all of its raw emotions (and more subtle side effects) is portrayed realistically, but handled delicately. Using Millie’s perspective throughout, the author is able to delve deep into the grieving mind of a young person, describing how it affects her family, friendships, and schoolwork. The portrayal of counseling is also realistic, showing initial reluctance, developing into hesitant acceptance. Highly recommended for all readers, 12 years old and up.