Review: Mira and Baku

Book cover art for Mira and Baku.

Review: Mira and Baku

Book cover art for Mira and Baku.Mira and Baku

by Sara Truuvert; illustrated by Michelle Theodore

Annick Press, 2023

ISBN: 9781773217598 (hardcover)
$23.99 CAD
44 pages

Ages: 4 to 7 years old


Review by Alexander Slack

A moving, somber yet hopeful storybook, Mira and Baku is a historical fiction picture book following Mira, a young Japanese girl, and her imaginary friend, Baku, as they search for her missing Papa. This story takes place during WWII and the internment of Japanese Canadians and Americans. Despite the heavy history that the story centres around, Mira’s feelings and innocence are at the heart of the narrative. This book can serve as an excellent introduction to discussing the human impact of this time period, highlighting family separation. The art style is simple but beautifully expressive, with some landscapes that one can spend some time lingering over. There is also a beautiful balance between the written narrative told by Mira, and the visual narrative showing how others (especially her mother) are experiencing the story.