Review: Oddbird’s Chosen Family

Book cover art for Oddbird's chosen family

Review: Oddbird’s Chosen Family

Book cover art for Oddbird's chosen familyOddbird’s Chosen Family

Written and illustrated by: Derek Desierto
Feiwel and Friends, 2024

ISBN: 9781250864680 (jacketed hardcover)
ISBN: 9781250382993 (eBook)

$24.99 CAD (hardcover)
$12.99 CAD (eBook)
32 pages

Ages: 2 to 5 years old

Review by: Cassandra Ricafort

As Oddbird has lunch with  his friend’s Jerryand Jerry’s lively family, he reflects on how lonely he is without his own family. However, as Jerry, Jerry’s family, and his other friends visit him to celebrate his birthday, Jerry soon realises that he does have a family after all – a chosen one. Although Oddbird’s Chosen Family does broach a very important topic, the story was a little rushed, and doesn’t delve enough into the theme of chosen families as it should. However, it would be a great starting point for a discussion with children that family isn’t always one we are born into, but one made up of those who chose to be there for us everyday. With brightly-coloured whimsical illustrations, this Vancouver-based author/illustrator’s book would be a welcome addition to any children’s library.