Review: The Afterdark

Book cover for The Afterdark

Review: The Afterdark

Book cover for The AfterdarkThe Afterdark

Written by: E. Latimer
Tundra Books, 2025

ISBN: 9781774882245 (hardcover)
9781774882252 (EPUB)
9781774887967 (audiobook)

$26.99 CAN (hardcover)
$11.99 CAN (EPUB)
$26.99 CAN (audiobook)
400 pages

Ages: 14 and up

Review by: Grailing A

Evie has an identical, evil twin sister. After said twin’s unexpected death, their emotionally withdrawn mother packs Evie off to the prestigious and remote Northcroft Academy, a boarding school on an island off the Pacific Northwest coast, where her father, who refuses to see her, is the principal. Enter Holland Morgan, teen star, Evie’s childhood crush, and now roommate. A queer horror/love story exploring themes of female rage, obsession, and the inherent urge of teenage girls to think they’re the monsters, The Afterdark takes place in a rich, atmospheric and decaying setting complete with ivy-covered walls, towering, vaulted ceilings, and stained-glass windows. The mystery elements are well-constructed and engaging. The Afterdark is a lot of fun, leaning equally into gothic romance and horror elements. I did wonder at the lack of attention–media, parental, or otherwise–after so many student disappearances, particularly as the students are well-off and well-resourced, a good combo to kick up a fuss.