Review: The Search for Baby Butterflies

Cover of the book The Search for Baby Butterflies by Jorge Cham.

Review: The Search for Baby Butterflies

Cover of the book The Search for Baby Butterflies by Jorge Cham.The Search for Baby Butterflies
Series: Elinor Wonders Why; 7

Written by: Jorge Cham
Illustrated by: Daniel Whiteson
Kids Can Press, 2024

ISBN: 9781525306259 (paperback)
$8.99 CAD
32 pages

Ages: 3 to 6 years old; Grades preschool-1

Review by: Kelly Bergevin

Based on the PBS Kids series Elinor Wonders Why, this picture book introduces young readers to scientific inquiry skills such as asking questions and making observations. Using bright images and simple text, the series uses kids’ natural inquisitiveness to explore nature topics. Elinor and her friends, Olive and Ari, question why they see so many butterflies but never any baby butterflies. They watch as a caterpillar makes a cocoon and emerges as a butterfly! Mr. Bat helps explain that some animals go through metamorphosis. The last page introduces more vocabulary words, animal facts, and extension activities. The picture book format might be easier for younger readers to follow than earlier books in the series formatted as early graphic novels.