05 Feb Review: The Three Little Mittens
The Three Little Mittens
by Linda Bailey; illustrated by Natalia Shaloshvili
Tundra, 2023
ISBN: 9781774880111 (hardcover)
30 pages
3 to 7 years old
Review by Cassandra Ricafort
Stripes the mitten lives a lonely existence in a little girl’s pocket, while the other mittens, Dotty and Other Dotty, get to make snowballs and pet dogs. The two mock Stripes for having no purpose, because she does not match as they do. In a reversal of circumstances, Dotty soon gets the same treatment Stripes received. However, the little girl soon interferes, deciding that mittens do not need to match. When she takes out the Lost Mitten Box, the little girl gives all unmatched mittens a chance to be worn, and the mittens soon learn to be appreciated for their worth, rather than their ability to match. The Three Little Mittens is a story of belonging, and of finding one’s true worth despite one’s appearance. This delightfully illustrated picture book would serve as a great tool to teach younger children about tolerance, kindness, and self-worth. It would be a great addition to any children’s library.