29 Nov Review: We Are Dreams in the Eternal Machine
We Are Dreams in the Eternal Machine
Written by: Deni Ellis Béchard
House of Anansi Press Inc, 2025
ISBN: 9781487013356 (paperback)
9781487013363 (EPUB)
$25.99 CAD (paperback)
$19.99 CAD (eBook)
424 pages
Ages: Adult
Review by: Alexandra Becheru
A fictional novel with immense relevancy, We Are Dreams in the Eternal Machine illustrates how life would look if our existence were controlled by an artificial intelligence machine. The machine concludes the best way to protect all humans from others and themselves is to isolate them in controlled rooms, many of which induce an imagined or fantastical dreamlike state. The novel tells the story of five protagonists as they navigate their past memories and the existential dread that comes with getting everything they’ve always desired. Whether it’s the promise of immortality, complicated family dynamics, genetic modifications, gender politics, or class wars, Deni Ellis Béchard’s writing perfectly encapsulates the relevant budding topics of our generation. Filled with a building tension throughout, the book envisions a dystopian not-so-distant future that explores the meaning of human life. I personally found this book significantly pertinent to read, especially the moments where I could envision the deconstruction of the protagonists’ new dreamlike reality unraveling before their eyes—much like the fleeting nature of real dreams. This adult novel would be suited for those who want to read about an imagined world that explores the potential ethical and philosophical dilemmas created by the technological advancement of AI.