Review: Wednesday Wilson Gets Down to Business

Book cover art for Wednesday Wilson

Review: Wednesday Wilson Gets Down to Business

Book cover art for Wednesday WilsonWednesday Wilson Gets Down to Business
Series: Wednesday Wilson

Written by: Bree Galbraith
Illustrated by: Morgan Goble
Kids Can Press, 2024 (first softcover edition)
Kids Can Press, 2021 (first edition, hardcover)

ISBN: 9781525313233 (softcover)
9781525303272 (hardcover)
9781525303647 (ebook)

139 pages

Ages: 6 to 9 years old

Review by: Helen Hauser

Grade school entrepreneur Wednesday Wilson is full of business ideas, but things don’t always work out the way she plans. In this book, Wednesday is desperate to avoid getting in trouble at school, so she comes up with a great new business idea that involves cutting up library books. But Wednesday hasn’t considered all the angles—and ignored others’ concerns—so she gets in trouble anyway. Undaunted, she learns her lesson and then adapts her business plan. Written in the first person and present tense, with many characters, nonstop action, and an elevated vocabulary, this book is better suited for ages 8 and up. The Wednesday Wilson books are lightly illustrated, contemporary, realistic fiction books that address many social-emotional learning topics, including responsibility, resilience, friendship, and “enemies.” Note that Wednesday is a mixed-race character with two moms and her best friend’s parents are divorced, so this book can also be used to introduce discussions of racial identity and family structures.