Review: All Better Now

Book cover art for All Better Now

Review: All Better Now

Book cover art for All Better NowAll Better Now

Written by: Neal Shusterman
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2025

ISBN: 9781534432758 (hardcover)
9781534432772 (EPUB)
9781797161358 (unabridged audio download)
9781797161341 (unabridged compact disk)

$26.99 CAD (hardcover)
$13.99 CAN (EPUB)
$39.99 CAN (unabridged audio download)
$59.99 CAN (unabridged compact disk)
528 pages

Ages: 12 and up

Review by: K. Joan Harrison

 This is not just another run-of-the-mill pandemic novel. Neal Shusterman (Scythe, Dry) takes us on a page-turning thriller full of fascinating characters and unrelenting plot twists. The action takes place in the not-too-distant future, where the COVID-weary face yet another highly contagious virus–except this virus leaves the survivors with a life-changing sense of well-being. Rumours of the wealthy abandoning their riches and survivors gathering in like-minded communes give pause to the rich and powerful. Three teenagers navigate moral dilemmas while they work to save the world, either by fighting the virus, or embracing it. Told from multiple diverse perspectives, the story will command your attention to the shocking conclusion. Highly recommended for all readers (12 and up).