ABQLA Conference Call for Proposals

ABQLA Conference Call for Proposals

ABQLA is pleased to invite members of the library and information professional community to submit conference proposals for their 88th annual conference to be held in Montreal on Friday, May 8th, 2020.

From the library of Alexandria to today’s digital makerspaces, libraries have stood the test of time. Within our stacks we hold the histories of our communities and the promise of tomorrow. Join us at ABQLA 2020 and help make this year timeless.

Timeless / Intemporel

Libraries have often been represented as keepers of time and history but are also very often at the forefront of major changes and innovations. Our conference aims to highlight those aspects of the profession and bring together librarians from different types of institutions to discuss their own histories and innovations. This year we seek proposals for presentations and posters that explore the boundaries of libraries and discuss where we have been, where we are, and
where we are going.

Guidelines & Instructions

– Submissions and presentations may be in either English or French.
– Proposals must clearly indicate the nature of the subject matter and its relevance to the conference theme, as well as two learning outcomes for participants.
– The one-day registration fee will be waived for the primary speaker (workshops and individual presentations).
– The one-day registration fee will be discounted 50% for the primary poster presenter.
– All proposals will be peer reviewed by the ABQLA Conference Program Committee.
– The submission deadline is January 19, 2020.
– All submitters will be notified by February 17, 2020.

If you have any questions or comments please contact conference@abqla.qc.ca

ABQLA is pleased to invite members of the library and information professional community to submit conference proposals for their 88th annual conference to be held in Montreal on Friday, May 8th, 2020.

From the library of Alexandria to today’s digital makerspaces, libraries have stood the test of time. Within our stacks we hold the histories of our communities and the promise of tomorrow. Join us at ABQLA 2020 and help make this year timeless.

Libraries have often been represented as keepers of time and history but are also very often at the forefront of major changes and innovations. Our conference aims to highlight those aspects of the profession and bring together librarians from different types of institutions to discuss their own histories and innovations. This year we seek proposals for presentations and posters that explore the boundaries of libraries and discuss where we have been, where we are, and
where we are going.

Guidelines & Instructions

– Submissions and presentations may be in either English or French.
– Proposals must clearly indicate the nature of the subject matter and its relevance to the conference theme, as well as two learning outcomes for participants.
– The one-day registration fee will be waived for the primary speaker (workshops and individual presentations).
– The one-day registration fee will be discounted 50% for the primary poster presenter.
– All proposals will be peer reviewed by the ABQLA Conference Program Committee.
– The submission deadline is January 19, 2020.
– All submitters will be notified by February 17, 2020.

If you have any questions or comments please contact conference@abqla.qc.ca