Student Scholarship Award Recipients

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Past Winner Biographies


Ada Bierling

Ada Bierling (they/them) is a MIST student at McGill University, as well as a communications assistant at McGill. Prior to pursuing librarianship, Ada was a direct support worker at KH Habilitation, and an outreach and publications assistant at Blackwood Gallery, in Ontario.

Sarah Wood-Gagnon
Sarah Wood-Gagnon is a student in McGill’s Master of Information Studies program and has been working as a reference assistant at McGill’s Humanities and Social Sciences Library. Beyond her work at the library, she is the student co-chair of the School of Information Studies’ Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee where she organizes lectures and workshops on EDI issues. She also volunteers on the Communications Committee for the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians and now for the ABQLA Communications Committee.

Not awarded this year

Spyros Caragiannis
Spyros Caragiannis is a student in the Information and Library Technologies program at John Abbott College and an ESL tutor, peer tutor and student facilitator for the BOOKBuzz events hosted by the Academic Success Centre. He is currently in his final semester, which includes fieldwork placements at McGill University’s Rare Books and Special Collections and the Vanier College Learning Commons. Spyros has previously gained experience in information management at McGill’s Research Grants Office, where he contributed to the development of records management policies and provided training to McGill and RIMUHC staff in relevant systems and procedures. He looks forward to continuing his studies at McGill’s School of Information Studies this September and pursuing his interests in archival studies, reference services, information literacy and book history.

Donna Langille
Donna Langille holds an honours BA in English with a minor in Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies from SFU. She is currently completing a Master of Information Studies at McGill University while working as a student librarian at Concordia University and as a graduate student assistant for Teaching and Learning Services at McGill. She volunteers her time as the Social Media Editor for ABQLA, chair of the CAPAL McGill Student Chapter and as a graduate student representative for the Humanities and Social Sciences Library Advisory Committee. She is passionate about critical librarianship and open education. Her current research interests include accessibility and social media, as well as the digital humanities.


Myriam Huot-Panneton
Aide-bibliothécaire depuis plus de 7 ans, Myriam Huot-Panneton complète présentement sa maîtrise en sciences de l’information à l’EBSI, Université de Montréal. Sa formation précédente en anthropologie a fait d’elle une professionnelle s’intéressant aux projets culturels qui travaillent de près avec la communauté. Myriam se passionne pour tous les projets hors les murs et la médiation culturelle, et a grandement à cœur le « Roulivre », bibliothèque mobile de l’arrondissement où elle travaille. Elle est déléguée étudiante à la CBPQ, et a aussi été bénévole au Salon de l’emploi EBSI-SIS. Elle croit fermement que l’apprentissage se déroule sur le terrain, à travers les rencontres qu’elle fait au quotidien. La bourse étudiante dont elle est récipiendaire servira à soutenir son voyage d’études en mai prochain au Danemark et en Suède. Elle souhaite d’ailleurs pouvoir partager son expérience de retour avec la communauté de l’ABQLA.


Cate Henderson
Cate Henderson is a graduate of the MISt program at McGill University.  While a student there she also worked as an Evening/Weekend manager at Atwater Library and as a Media Librarian at CBC. She served as President of the ABQLA Student Chapter and the McGill Student Chapter of the Association of Moving Image Archivists. She also contributed to SLA, CLA, ACA, and the EBSI-SIS Career Fair during her studies.


T.B. Tran Phan
T.B. Tran Phan is a graduate of the MISt program at McGill University. As a student, she played an active role as a member of ABQLA, mainly serving as the Co-Communication Officer of the Student Chapter. T.B. Tran also volunteered her time with CLA, helped organize the 2016 Information Studies Career Fair, and held two part-time student jobs in the academic library sector.


Cassandra Ricafort
Cassandra Ricafort is a graduate of the MISt program at McGill University. As a student, she served as President of the ABQLA McGill Student Chapter and Coordinator of the Association of Canadian Archivists McGill Student Chapter. Cassandra also held a part-time job at the Family Resource Centre & Library at the Montreal Children’s Hospital. The scholarship helped Cassandra to focus on starting her career in librarianship.


Allison Smith
Allison Smith is now a graduate of the MIST program at McGill University and holds and MLIS. As a student, she served as president of the ABQLA McGill student chapter, and worked on the 2014 ABQLA conference. The scholarship helped Allison travel to Moncton for the Atlantic Provinces Library Association conference, where she delivered an Ignite Talk. She also attended the Special Libraries Association conference, which was in Vancouver that year.