CFLA-FCAB Cataloguing and Metadata Standards Committee (CMSC) Summer Update

CFLA-FCAB Cataloguing and Metadata Standards Committee (CMSC) Summer Update

Update from the CFLA-FCAB Cataloguing and Metadata Standards Committee (CMSC)

Cataloguing Code of Ethics Review Working Group (CCERWG)

CMSC established the CCERW in Spring 2023, charged with reviewing the Cataloguing Code of Ethics and preparing a report for the CMSC on Canadian support for the Cataloguing Code of Ethics. Along with ALA and CILIP, CFLA-FCAB is one of the sponsoring institutions of the code of ethics. CMSC members supported and participated in events presenting the Code of Ethics at library conferences across the country this spring and encouraging participation in an online survey. It is expected that the CCERW will deliver its report to CMSC this fall.

Canadian Committee on Cataloguing (CCC)

CFLA-FCAB appoints two members to the CCC for three-year renewable terms, based on recommendations by CMSC. Thomas Brenndorfer (OLA) was renewed in 2022 and elected chair of CCC to replace Sue Andrews (BCLA). Stacey Penny (APLA) was newly appointed to represent CFLA-FCAB on CCC, replacing longtime member Emma Cross (OLA). CCC continues to work on the development of the new RDA toolkit on behalf of Canadian libraries.

Canadian Committee on Metadata Exchange (CCM)

CFLA-FCAB appoints two members to the CCM for three-year renewable terms based on recommendations by CMSC. Pat Riva (ABQLA) and Trina Grover (OLA) were renewed in 2022.

In 2022-23, CCM submitted or co-submitted the following MARC Discussion Papers and Proposals: Refinement of Accessibility Field 341 (2023-DP05); Adding Subfield $3 to Field 532 in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format (2023-DP06); Addition of Subfield $5 to Field 788 in MARC 21 Bibliographic Format (2022-FT02).

ABQLA Annual Conference

Christine Smith (Concordia) and Chantal Guindon (Clarence-Rockland Public Library) presented A  Cataloguing Code of Ethics /Un Code d’éthique de catalogage on behalf of the CCERWG at the 2023 ABQLA Annual Conference.

Since the CFLA-FCAB was established in 2016, the ABQLA national conference has included a session sponsored by the ABQLA representative to CFLA-FCAB where ABQLA reps to CFLA-FCAB committees report on the activities of their respective committees. While this event was not scheduled for 2023, it is hoped it will be included in future conferences as it gives ABQLA members an opportunity to learn about what is happening at the national level. For the first time since 2016, Quebec is not represented by ABQLA on the Board of Directors, so it is not clear who should take the lead in organizing a CFLA-FCAB roundup for 2024.

Courtesy of: Christopher Carr, ABQLA representative and CMSC Chair