Review: Think Like a Goat

Cover of the book Think like a goat by Lisa Deresti Betik.

Review: Think Like a Goat

Cover of the book Think like a goat by Lisa Deresti Betik.Think Like a Goat: The Wildly Smart Ways Animals Communicate, Cooperate and Innovate

by Lisa Deresti Betik; illustrated by Alexander Mostov

Kids Can Press, 2023

ISBN: 9781525304552 (hardcover)
48 pages

8 to 12 years old


Review Elisabeth de Grandpré

Think Like a Goat by Lisa Deresti Betik is an accessible factoid book about the intelligence and communication of animals. It is also an easy-to-read introduction to the theory of evolution. For example, the titular goats have significant memories and one study showed they were great at solving a puzzle, and even remembering how to do it again after ten months. I enjoyed the information, but wouldn’t suggest it for a school project, given a lot of the information is based on single studies. The book could spark an interest in animals and help children develop empathy for animals. It would suit a personal or public library collection. The delightful illustrations by Alexander Mostov make it a beautiful and bright book to read.