Review: Who We Are In Real Life

Cover of the book Who We Are In Real Life by Victoria Koops.

Review: Who We Are In Real Life

Cover of the book Who We Are In Real Life by Victoria Koops.Who We Are In Real Life

by Victoria Koops

Groundwood Books

ISBN: 9781773068893  (paperback)
$17.99 CAD
276 pages

Ages: 12 and up

Review by Mell

Who We Are In Real Life is the debut novel of self-proclaimed geek Victoria Koops. Darcy just moved into a small town with her two mothers and is having trouble making her place, until she meets Art. Through their love for Dungeons and Dragons, Darcey and Art join forces. Together, they combat homophobia in their daily  lives, and creatures in their D&D campaign. The characters are very much teenagers in the way that they act and think, making it easier for a younger audience to connect with. This YA novel requires a lot more fine-tuning in terms of continuity and style. But, it is important to note that Koops does an excellent job of crafting together relatable themes like queerness, being a geek, and a teenager’s struggle after moving into a new town. I recommend this book for any collection geared towards teenagers in public libraries, high school libraries or a teenager who enjoys fantasy and LGBTQ+ representation in books.